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Manuel Losada Rodríguez  

All -Tech Product Strategist

Functional Design Synthesizer

Standard medical container

I was approached to work on a unique project that piqued my interest right away. As a product creator, I relish any opportunity to bring ideas to life and this project was no exception.

Although I was brought on solely as the 3D implementation expert, I was excited to collaborate with Aquilino, the patent holder and brainchild behind the concept. My role in the project was to create a realistic 3D model of the proposed solution that would allow for a modular consultation space to be installed within standard transport containers. This innovative design would enable easy and convenient transportation of consultation spaces anywhere in the world.

The challenge was to create a structure that would be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. I used my expertise to create a 3D model that would meet both of these requirements. The structure had to fit within the dimensions of a standard container, yet be able to transform into a functional consultation space with all the necessary amenities. This included a waiting area, a consultation room, and a restroom.

Through collaboration with Aquilino and the rest of the team, we were able to refine the design and create a product that exceeded expectations. The final 3D model was incredibly realistic, allowing for a detailed visualization of the finished product. This made it easy to communicate the design to potential customers and investors.

Overall, it was a privilege to be involved in such a unique and exciting project. The experience of working on this project allowed me to push my limits and challenge myself creatively. I am proud to have been part of a team that created a product with the potential to make a difference in the world of consultation services.

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One of the key advantages of this innovative consultation space was its easy adaptability to global logistics. By using standard transport containers, the consultation spaces could be easily transported anywhere in the world. This would be particularly beneficial in remote or underdeveloped regions where traditional consultation spaces are not available. The modular design of the structure also allowed for easy customization based on the needs of the user, such as adding seating for in-person consultations or communication tools for remote diagnosis.

However, there were also unique challenges that came with working within the constraints of a standard container. As the space was limited, we had to carefully consider the design of each individual module in order to ensure optimal functionality and efficiency. This required a lot of creative problem-solving and collaboration between the team members to ensure that the design was both practical and aesthetically pleasing.

Each container was designed with modular options that could be easily customized based on the specific needs of the customer. For example, additional seating could be added to accommodate in-person consultations, or communication tools could be installed for remote diagnosis. Additionally, the containers were equipped with autonomous analysis tools, which allowed for efficient and accurate diagnoses even in areas without access to specialized medical professionals.

Overall, the project was a challenge but also a unique opportunity to use our skills and creativity to bring an innovative product to life. It was exciting to see the potential for this product to make a difference in the world of consultation services and to contribute to the greater good.

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