Concept Products
Welcome to my conceptual projects gallery! Here you will find a collection of my most creative and innovative works, which have been developed outside of my professional career. Although these projects do not fit within my traditional professional scope, they represent an integral part of my professional development and reflect my passion for exploration and innovation. If you are interested in getting to know the projects I have carried out in the context of my professional career, I invite you to click on the indicated button. Enjoy the tour of this showcase of my skills and vision!
Sorry, but I have recently migrated the website and I couldn’t migrate the description of each project. Now you will find links to the multimedia material of the projects. Gradually I will add a detailed description page for each product, but I will do it little by little because I have more projects in parallel and I relegate the “own marketing” behind the projects. If you are curious about the projects or if you need more info, don’t hesitate to contact me..

Creation from scratch of a fully functional and commercially available application to facilitate direct communication between close contacts. Apps, server, etc
–TRL 9-

-Procesing new GPT4 project-
A new chatGPT4 project is in the pipeline.
–TRL 1-

Dynamic angle of attack spoiler for motorbikes
Design and implementation of a dynamic spoiler for motorbikes.With an officially registered patent. This spoiler uses for its movement the patent registered in my name. The purpose of this spoiler is to offer more stability when riding a motorbike in a sporty way. At the moment it is in the design phase of the SW.
–TRL 4- officially patented device

El tio Perruca -digital experience
Re-edition of the book el tio perruca, a historical novel of the area of the mountains of leon, el Bierzo, Spain. The book has been reedited and a website has been created to help the interpretation of the book and its environment with technologies that facilitate the immersion in the nature of the area.
–TRL 9-

Interactive rural tourism system
Creation of a system with a web and physical base that allows visitors to a rural area, in this case in Igüeña, Spain, to be able to know which routes to follow with digital content about them that allows their interpretation before taking the route.
–TRL 9-

Velutina wasp trap
Design and implementation of a trap for the invasive species velutina wasp. This trap is selective and allows passive capture of the velutine wasp, allowing other insects that might fall into it to escape.
–TRL 9-

Real-time monitoring system for bee hives
Creation of a complete hive monitoring system. This monitoring is based on the study of data on temperature, humidity, pressure, etc. inside and outside the hive. This collected information is sent to a server where it is processed to find behavioural patterns.
–TRL 3-

Smart watch charging device
Design and implementation of a device that facilitates the use of smartwatch chargers. Given their natural design, it is difficult to transport these charging devices. This device facilitates their use.
–TRL 8- officially patent request