360° motorcycle stand GSXR
Design and implementation of a support for 360° cameras that allows for a greater investment experience. These recordings are uploaded to youtube to enjoy them with VR.
–TRL 9- officially patent request

360° motorcycle stand GSXF
Design and implementation of a support for 360° cameras that allows for a greater investment experience. These recordings are uploaded to youtube to enjoy them with VR.
–TRL 9- officially patent request

Motorbike VR 360 experience
Entertainment channel to be able to transmit the experience of riding a motorbike with VR 360 glasses.
–TRL 9-


Proposed Modification of Road Speeds and Driving Licences
I propose reforming outdated public road speed limits as an initial step and advocate for education over rule imposition to shape a responsible society. Join me in harmonizing our legal framework with our technological reality.

Riesgos del Dropshipping- ESP-
En esta presentación, exploraremos los desafíos y riesgos asociados al modelo de negocio del dropshipping, particularmente en relación a la Declaración de Conformidad (DoC) y las garantías de productos en el contexto europeo. Discutiremos cómo el rápido crecimiento y la accesibilidad del dropshipping, potenciado por las nuevas tecnologías, ha llevado a un desconocimiento generalizado acerca de las responsabilidades legales y de certificación..

No se puede aprender lo que ya crees que sabes.